Worcester, MA 01602
August 23 update from Msgr. Sullivan
We’ve had a safe re-opening Mass experience since May 23. We are regularly celebrating weddings, baptisms and funerals in addition to all Masses. All other forms of meetings are not yet permitted for groups larger than ten persons. Persons who are ill should not come to Mass at this time.
All people must wear a mask throughout the Mass with the following exceptions...(1) children under the age of 2 should not wear a mask; (2) parents will use their own discretion for those children between the age of 2 and 5 years old; (3) if a person has a medical or disabling condition they are not required to wear a mask.
Family members may sit together in the same pew. With the exception of your own family members you must sit at least six feet apart from others. Social distancing is required. Every alternate pew is left empty. We’ve marked off those pews with tape.
Confessions are offered indoors on Saturday afternoons, from 2:45 to 3:45 p.m. These confessions do not take place in the regular confession room adjacent to the church foyer (where the space is too small). Confessions are heard in the Johnson Room. You will have the option of going to confession anonymously (behind a screen) or face-to-face. Please wear a mask. And we keep social distancing. If someone is in the Johnson Room ahead of you please wait until that person leaves the room and then enter.
A Prayer in Time of Pandemic
O God, whose Only Begotten Son bore the weight of human suffering for our salvation, hear the prayers of your Church for our sick brothers and sisters and deliver us from this time of trial. Open our ears and our hearts to the voice of your Son: Be not afraid, for I am with you always. Bless all doctors and nurses, researchers and public servants. Give us the wisdom to do what is right and the faith to endure this hour, that we might gather once again to praise your name in the heart of your Church, delivered from all distress and confident in your mercy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.